the clog x feeds review

Isaac Mathew
3 min readApr 29, 2022


This issue has taken a while to get from manuscript to store and I am a bit disappointed. My three years on Instagram didn’t make it in. I thought it was alright. I wouldn’t brood if the essays were better than mine but it is what it is. Feeds is the fourth issue from clog 2.0 after Guns, AI, and Cannabis. The update is better but I do miss the #architectural stream. I found CLOG when they did Rem. It was fun to almost make it in then. I landed in World Trade Centre too. Landmark didn’t make it. #clog got me thinking about feeds before social media. It was fun. I miss their submission call emails. x Feeds got me thinking again about thinking content, not long, not shot either, medium-sized posts. Under 500words or is an image. I buy feeds since I am curious about how they tackle their output on kindle. Here, I definitely am not cranky, I am a fan of the blurry black and white low-resolution output. They have a glossary and a timeline. Ok, it is. Something about architects doing research now is becoming very predictable. Someone else also sends in their time (4years) on Instagram. I should have probably written about how much I liked their emails. Stats are disappointing, it's stuff that is already around from here and there. This philosophy on page 53 “You are making an attempt at leaving traces of yourself by documenting the construction of yourself by documenting the construction of your identity through contemplation of any given topic.”, is stressful. Feeds on screens I like very much. You would ideally talk feeds with someone designing feeds not a Cole Walliser who has a camera you will never want. CLOG X FEEDS is a great idea, superbly produced but will leave you frustrated as all other xyz FEEDs.



Isaac Mathew

i think #architecture #art #planning #design #engineering